Nate Dickson

What I think.

Using nvALT as a Personal Wiki

One of the best things about nvALT is that it gives you a lot of tools you can use with little to no friction. You can use tags, or not, you can store your files in dropbox as individual markdown files, or you can keep them all in a single database1. It’s all up to you. It’s very liberal about how you use its powers.

Which means I missed one.

Up until now I’ve been using nvALT as my repository of code and notes on projects, useful tips and hints and things that I tend to forget. You know, all the stuff that makes nvALT great. The praises of nvALT have already been sung, and sung better than I will sing them here. But here’s what I just discovered: the inter-note linking feature.


Okay, those of you who already knew about this can just go ahead and laugh at me. But for those of you who haven’t discovered this yet, it’s very very simple and powerful. Just wrap the name of another note in [[double brackets]] and you have a link to that note. What’s more, once you open the double brackets you can start typing the name of a file and nvALT will autocomplete it for you.

With this addition, nvALT has supplanted VoodooPad, EverNote, and my own home-brew Sublime Text Wiki system. Not only is it more flexible, but it also has one of the best built-in markdown previews ever.

  1. Pro Tip: store them as separate files in Dropbox!
